Offpage Optimisation
Offpage optimisation counts for about 70-75% of the SEO process and is the basis for 99% of the ongoing SEO work on your site on a monthly basis. Popular sites are always getting linked to by other people. If someone likes a site and writes about them on their blog or forum (or Facebook page, Twitter page, YouTube account etc.) they will probably provide a link to that website. Google “sees” these links and counts them as “votes” for that website. The more links that point to a site the better, but beware! Google isn’t silly! Google knows what a “normal” or “organic” growth profile is for any site in any industry and when a site tries to do something outside of this “normal” Google can penalise it. Finding this perfect rate of adding links is called finding the “optimal” rate of adding links, and we’ve got a profile for most industries. Our SEO team then do the laborious work of creating dozens or even hundreds of links per week, ensuring a nice even creation spread out over the month to ensure Google sees your website as being promoted “organically”. A popular website is exactly what Google wants to show when someone searches for a term, and yours is moved closer and closer to the top as more “votes” pour in.